In the surreal world of celebrities anything is possible
So what's this disturbing gossip?
Leticia confirms that it's strange, but true.
In January 2015 she travelled to Miami to...
"I've had to end five relationships because we could not have sex because of this little problem, and I heard about this operation. I'm 48 and have decided that I won’t be a mother. And as I won’t have this economic burden, I told myself it was time to give myself a treat."
While some might consider treating yourself involves buying an expensive handbag, a session at the Spa or a city break, but Leticia showed that her mind went in another direction quite unrelated to traditional thinking.
Why did you decide to be a virgin again at 48?
"For me it seemed nice thing to do. When I was little I thought I would be virgin until marriage, but when I was 23 I decided I wasn't going to wait any longer. I lost my virginity to a female TV presenter’s ex. I wasn't in a hurry to deliver my flower. So I decided to repeat the experience in the hands of a specialist."
Sabater went to "Saint Paul's Clinic" in Miami, where Dr. Edwin Vásquez operated.
"12 years ago I did my breasts there so I decided to return."
Are you waiting for Prince Charming to deflower you?
"After the operation you have to wait two months for the vagina to heal. I'm waiting for someone special; it is not going to be a one night thing. Be whoever you are, it’s a surprise. Nobody thinks you're a virgin at 48."
Is it worth it to go through this painful experience?
"Man, at 48 it didn't hurt as much as when I was 23. I'm not saying the the pain threshold decreases over time, but the act is the same as 25 years ago and I survived therefore, there’ll be some pain.”
At the end of the day... Leticia Sabater spent 6000 Euros (4300 quid) to be a virgin and to have a wider vagina.
"I was sick of Jimmy Giménez-Arnau always mocking me saying I had a very tight vagina. Also, when you really like a guy and you know that you won't have pleasurable sex, the operation is worth it."
What's it like to be a virgin?
"Now I'm different, I feel brand new."
We suggest she hurries out to lose her virginity, regardless of the cost before she's 50 or she'll end up appearing in a film starring Lina Morgan. Maybe she's taken to bed the most important men in Spain, but the next one is going to find something – excuse the pun - new.
Anyway, is it really possible to be a virgin again?
"This is strange, but in Miami one in ten women do this operation".
We checked and it's indeed possible to reconstruct the hymen.
Leticia recently released her new single "Mucha Mierda" [Lots of Shit], produced in Italy with two different versions.
She claims to have many more projects for this year. A year that, as Madonna would say, starts “Like a Virgin”...
#Madrid #Nightlife #Guide to #Vaginas #Vaginoplastia #PlasticSurgery #Labiaplasty #Genitalia #Hymen #Vulva
Translated from original article:
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