Monday, 28 July 2014

The "Zarzuela" Hippodromoe holds this Tuesday their second boxing event "Youboxing Night Show", where there will be fights between national and international business executives.

At this event, "sports, culture and society, will merge with entertainment and aspects of the history and culture of boxing," the organization pointed out. 

The highlight of this evening, according to these same sources, are 'white-collar boxing' where business leaders will face each other. 

The evening event also includes a "premium" cocktail, live music and an after-party to the show in the gardens of the enclosure for attendees.

Also this evening, as every year, the Hippodrome dresses on Thursday night, June 26-September 4 and converted terraced facility where visitors can enjoy a meal in the restaurant with Chef A Star Michelin Iván Muñoz, and a night watching horse racing. 

From 20.30, attendees can dine, have a drink and from 22.00 to 00.30 hours, enjoy the spectacle of nighttime horse racing... Around 4,000 people go each night. 

Among leisure activities, we must add the cuisine in the gardens and various tents around the Racetrack, where you can find €3 drink-stalls and €29 taster menu by Chef Muñoz.

Last weekend, the Hippodrome hosted the "Tomasvistas" Festival where independent national artists delighted the audience with pop, rock, electronic and experimental music. 

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