Looking for a great way to pass your Tuesday afternoons as we while away the end of august, the end of vacation time here again in Madrid and head into yet another semester? Yep, it's back to the grind kids but it's not all bad! Your culinary heroes are here on hand to keep you in high spirits and help you break up your week by meeting new friends, breaking bread and washing it down with some premium plonk. All of this, a different venue each week and all for about 10 euros... Can't go wrong!!!
This week our eclectic gang of munchers headed off to La Taperia de Malasana on Calle Corredera Alta de San Pablo, a hop skip and jump from Metro Tribunal and nestled in the heart of one of our favourite barrios; Malasana. This used to be a typical old school Spanish greasy spoon cafeteria but has been recently converted into a modern, clean, cool Spanish eatery!
As we took our designated seats with a few new welcome faces, we perused our options...
Starters; berengena rellena, gazpacho, fabada asturiana and arroz a la cubana.Starters; berengena rellena, gazpacho, fabada Asturiana and arroz a la Cubana.
Mains; Traseros de pollo al horno, Ragut de ternera, tortilla de Gulas and salmon a la plancha.
Service was notably friendly, efficient and all requests pandered to. Food arrived in no time at all as did our drinks. They were very attentive and when extras such as more vino, casera and butter were ordered, they didn't even bat an eyelid nor add it to the final cost. These guys know what they're doing and made us feel at home. As far as the grub itself, everything was okay, could be improved but certainly not bad. When it came to delivering our verdict, a 3.75 out of 5 was the average score and left us all with smiles on our faces for the grand total of 10.50 each.
We upped sticks and headed up to Plaza Olavide for some cheeky tintos in the shade while continuing to shoot the proverbial shizzle before heading back down to Espiritu Santo to the usual and caught with a few more friendly faces at J and J Books and Coffee before eventually finishing up over the road to a previous successful conquest at Carmencita Bar.
Next week see's the group venturing slightly further away from the centre and up to what has been dubbed as a super sidereria with some mega deals on offer. If you miss this, YOU will miss out! Invite will be posted pronto so stay poised with that finger over that “GOING” button. Until then however, it's chow for now!
#Madrid #MenuDelDia #Martes #Madness MMDDMM
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