Saturday, 16 August 2014

The summer campaign against the 'lateros' results in almost 10,000 cans being seized.

This weekend the Madrid Municipal Police seized 6,480 cans.

Campaign against the sale and consumption of #alcohol on the street.

The hunt for the 'lateros' (street sellers of #beer cans and soft drinks). 

This is the goal that marked Madrid Municipal Police that since the start of the summer season, has seized nearly 10,000 cans only in Central district and has reported more than 400 people for selling on the street. So far this year there are more than 2,500 interventions in and 13.5 tons of food removed from street vendors. Only during the past weekend, the Municipal Police seized 6,480 beer cans and reported over 200 people for street vending, plus other complaints concerning violations of municipal ordinances. In the operation against 'lateros' illegally selling food included nearly 50 police officers scattered around the central areas of the city. They had the collaboration of companies engaged in #retail and #hospitality. If you get caught street selling food without authorization you can be fined more than €1,200 (£960). This is the second operation conducted by the Municipal Police against 'lateros' since the beginning of summer. Stronger police presence in the #nightlife areas, controlling the selling and consumption of alcoholic beverages is one of the tasks of agents that form this operation. One of the objectives involves making consumers aware of the problems and damages that may result in promoting illegal trading on the streets. The mess, lack hygiene, lack of compliance and health requirements for the sale of food products and the serious economic damage caused by this illegal activity are some of its consequences. Street selling food without authorization violates the Municipal Roadside Vendor Act and is classified as a serious offense, with fines ranging from €150.26 (£120) to €1202.02 (£962).

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