Thursday, 9 October 2014

Thursday Nights in Madrid

Thursday Nights are Back!

Campaign launched in October aims to "recapture the magic of Thursday nights"

The Platform of Associations for Tourism, Leisure, Hospitality and Culture in the Community of Madrid will launch this October, the 'Madrid's Thursdays are Back' campaign intends to "recapture the magic, prestige, and the special appeal of Thursday nights" in the capital. More than 70 venues will take part:

The campaigners held on September 24, at the Barcelo Theatre (, a press conference to detail the new edition of the 'return of the Madrid's Thursdays' campaign, which started on October 2 and aims to boost economic activity and social nightlife. 

As in the first edition, which was held on Thursdays in April, more than 70 entertainment and catering venues are taking part in the city of Madrid.

This new campaign promoting nightlife coincides with the start of the season and aims to boost the recovery of tourism in the city. Assisting the campaign are the Business Platform, the Community of Madrid, Madrid City Council and Mahou-San Miguel group.

The campaign will continue to offer discounts so that you can enjoy entertaining shows and music offered by the locals in varied nightlife venues. Developers seek to recover business from tourists and all those who come to Madrid to work, the figures are recovering in recent months.

At the press conference the following intervened:
Carmen Fernández González - Deputy Minister for Tourism and Culture in Madrid. 
Pedro Maria Corral - Head of the Department for Arts, Sports and Tourism. 
Javier Olmedo - President of the Platform of Associations for Tourism, Leisure, Hospitality and Culture in Madrid
Juanjo Madariaga - Grupo Mahou / San Miguel

Besides presenting this second edition of the 'Return of Madrid's Thursday' campaign, the objectives of this campaign is to promote tourism, nightlife and hospitality of Madrid that will be dealt with, recovering domestic tourism to boost Madrid's nightlife and presented the satisfaction survey data from the first campaign. 

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