Last Sunday Madrid Municipal Police raided two private smoking clubs in the districts of "Vallecas" and "Chamberí". Both operated as special disco bars, and although they were sealed, managers repeatedly failed to comply, so the officers proceeded to make arrests for an alleged crime of serious disobedience to authority.

These associations are unrelated, but both operated special bars or nightclubs, serving all kinds of drinks, with dance floors and high volume music. Overcrowding twice the permitted limit, and in particular, the venue in "Vallecas" 25 people were reported for possession of narcotics of all kinds, such as marijuana, hash, cocaine, poppers and other designer drugs. Three knives were also seized.

A "Smoking Club" is an association of people for leisure and recreational purposes, based on the consumption of tobacco. Use is exclusive to members, lacking profit, which forbids them to actively market or sell any consumable goods. The premises inspected, relying on this associative phenomenon, exercised as "false clubs" but were actually nightclubs, bypassing Public Entertainment and Recreational Activity laws in Madrid, regarding responsibilities and obligations for consumer protection.
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